Prayer Corner 20 October 2024

Psalms 44:3 “For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them”

For Joshua to have victory over the enemies, the sun stood still and the moon stayed (Joshua 10:13)

The philistines were advancing to battle against Israel during the time of Samuel, Jehovah thundered with great thunder upon them and they were defeated. Elijah call down fire from heaven and the enemies were roasted. God can go to any length to fight for His people. Whatever it will take for you to be victorious, God is willing to do it. Don’t take your matter out of God’s hand by worrying; doubting, unbelief etc. know it for sure you cannot possess your promise land by your strength alone. Your “sword” maybe your degrees, connections etc. cannot save you. You need the favour of God that turns things around.

  1. Every power contending with me to dispossess me of my inheritance is destroyed in Jesus name
  2. Deliver me oh God by your great power and mercy
  3. Father in the name of Jesus let everything around me begin to work in my favour
  4. Holy Ghost disorganize every evil plans made against me my life in Jesus name
  5. Every power and problem that want to enthrone itself as Lord/ over my life, be dethroned in Jesus name
  6. Every root of bitterness and affliction in my life, be destroyed in Jesus name
  7. Lord, let every power/enemy contending my throne end up in disappointment in Jesus name.
  8. Father, fill me with the Holy Spirit, His fruits and gifts in Jesus name

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