Prayer Corner 12 May 2024

From Hebron Caleb drove out the three Anakites—Sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai, the sons of Anak. Joshua 15:14, NIV

When the Promised Land was divided up and given to the families of the Israelites, Caleb could have asked for an easy section. But instead he asked for the mountain where three giants still lived, the place where the Israelites had refused to go, which resulted in Caleb wandering with them in the wilderness for forty years. He said, “Give me this mountain that God promised me. This is my destiny.”

Where are some giants that you can bring down? Where are some people you can lift up? There’s nothing worse than to come to the end of life and realize you never took your promised land. It is not in the average or in the routine or the comfortable, but it is in the cause. It is doing something out of the ordinary, getting involved in something that isn’t about you, making your neighbourhood better, blessing that co-worker, bringing down a giant. Make up your mind to not live comfort-driven, but cause-driven. Then you’ll defeat your greatest enemies and reach your promised land.

  1. Father, grant me the grace to live a cause-driven life in Jesus name
  2. I receive the grace to fulfill my destiny in Jesus name
  3. Father, comfort me to comfort others in Jesus name
  4. Father, empowered me to possess my Promised land in Jesus name
  5. Every giant occupying my Promised land, be uprooted in Jesus name
  6. Father, let there be revival in KLAC

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